What makes us different
What makes us different
What makes us different
HouseFinder Magazine is a Namibian Magazine which focuses on property and property-related articles and advertisements - published in print and online. In addition articles on gardening, interior decorating, do-it-yourself and recipes are included. Readers find useful information that can be applied to their own homes.To make sure the targeted readers' audience is reached, selective distribution of the printed magazine is done throughout the month on a weekly basis. This ensures the availability of the magazine in strategic locations, free of charge.
Best prices for advertisers is offered to ensure ultimate value for money. HouseFinder magazine prides itself in a good customer base who advertises regularly.
In addition to business advertisements, properties that are currently in the market are featured in HouseFinder by the best Namibian real estate agents. This ensures that prospective buyers have all the information they need in one magazine.
HouseFinder aims to bring to our readers what they want to see in a Namibian property magazine and articles are inspiring and relevant.
HouseFinder value its customers, quality is top priority and advertising offers top-notch.
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To make sure we reach targeted readers audience, selective distribution is done throughout the month on a weekly basis. This ensures the availability of the magazine in strategic locations for readers to pick up for free and read.