Garden Focus - Oct/Nov '23
Creating fusion in the small garden
Creating fusion in the small garden
Fusion gardening is a style of landscaping design combining colour, texture, new, old, edible, flowering, dry and wet into one space, stimulating the senses and creating a beautifully diverse, but all-in-harmony, outdoor space.The more, the merrier, one could think of the above introduction, but personally I think of it as natural. In nature we have all kinds of eco systems and climates, vegetation and natural elements combined, and they all synchronise with each other. The same principle could apply to your small piece of oasis using the natural character of your garden or the landscape surrounding it to create a harmonious fusion of different elements.

Colour and texture are a great start, mixing them and even creating some dramatic focal points with bright colours or rough textures.
Creating contrast by combining old with new is always extremely efficient, especially when it comes to décor, and what else is garden designing than outdoor decoration?
Incorporating edible plants like herbs, vegetables and fruit in your garden among your other shrubs and trees is another possibility.

However, with this fusion trend which is now a buzz in gardening design and landscaping, it is always important to take the environment into consideration. Water-wise gardening has always been a crucial part of landscaping design in Namibia. Using dry or succulent type of plants not among, but separately alongside other drought-resistant plants effectively assist in the management of water consumption of the garden. The correct placement of plants is extremely important, for not all plants have the same water requirement and this also adds to saving water in the garden.
Attracting birds and pollinators to your beautiful spot is another way of getting nature to be part of your fusion. Create flat areas with natural stones and rocks where lizards may sit and sunbathe, have bird feeders attracting different kinds of birds, all in harmony together like in nature. Old elements, e.g., metal milk cans or galvanized watering cans, can be used ornamentally or as part of a water feature. Even an old wheelbarrow or an old bicycle will create the most interesting and artistic plant container.

At the end of the day, there should be no limit or rule, if you are creatively able to express your personality in your outdoor living space working towards creating fusion in your garden.
Pupkewitz Megabuild:
Eugene le Roux
Cell: 081 124 6965

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