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Pool Doctor - Feb/Mar 2022

Crystal clear water – this is how

Crystal clear water – this is how

The visual satisfaction of something we own is part of the pleasure of owning or using it. Likewise, with a swimming pool.

Wherever we go, the presence of water always changes the ambiance of an area. A swimming pool, filled with murky water, is not very inviting.

In this article we focus on water clarity.

The clarity of pool water is influenced by a great number of factors which need to be in balance for us to enjoy a crystal-clear pool.

Beware of the following:

  • Incorrect pH level.
  • Filter sand older than two years may lead to poor filtration and thus the particles inside the water cannot be filtered out.
  • Incorrect chlorine level.
  • Incorrect alkalinity level.
  • Total dissolved solids (TDS) of the water. TDS is the total of all dissolved solid matter such as minerals, metals, salts, and contaminants that are in the water. Generally speaking, these levels need to be below 1000 ppm. When backwashing is not done regularly, this is the first element going out of balance.
  • Stain-producing elements like iron, copper and manganese in the water. These elements enter the pool via the source of water through which the pool is filled.

At the Lic Pool shop we can measure these levels and advise on how to get them back in balance.


We normally point the airflow nozzles to the surface of the pool. They project the returning water, flowing back to the pool, to the surface and with daylight shining on the water, the result is pool water which appears livelier and brighter.

The choice of mosaic at the waterline of the pool greatly helps to enhance the colour of the pool water and helps make a pool look inviting, even if the water is not 100% clear.

For more information on pools, please email us at: info@licpool.com

Until next time.

Burgert Terblanche

Tel: 061-232839, Fax: 061-238602
Email: info@licpool.com


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