Pool Doctor - Aug/Sep '23
Dare to be different
Dare to be different
I would say on average 90 % of the pools we service or install are either rectangular or square. Nothing wrong with this, but have you for one moment sat back to reconsider or dared to be different?Arches were used in most colonial houses and Cape Dutch styles and they do create a stylish effect. With a rectangular pool you need to be very, very creative to allow it to portray a welcoming or novel feeling. Want something more extraordinary?
Bringing an arch into the design can change the look and feel of the pool completely.

“Taking to the waters” – an old-fashioned term which means enjoying healthy water – may just become the next best thing in your social circle.
Do come to the LicPool boardroom and work with us to start putting your ideas onto paper. You will be amazed what the end result can look like.
Until next time.
Burgert Terblanche
Tel: 061-232839, Fax: 061-238602
Email: [email protected]

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