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Letter from the Editor - Aug/Sep '24

Dopamine Décor

Dopamine Décor

Dear Reader

Dopamine… ah! That feel-good euphoria that everyone craves! But too much of a good thing is not good either. Your body releases large amounts of dopamine into your bloodstream when you do something pleasurable – but unfortunately high levels can also lead to addictions, bad sleep and even make you aggressive. Dopamine must therefore be released in balance.

Dopamine Décor is indeed about bright colours, contrasting patterns, maximalism and pure playfulness, but even here balance must be kept in mind.

Our new regular article/competition (Yes, you can win!) where readers submit their interior/revamp projects, again places interior design’s emphasis on YOU. It's all very well to call in professional help for such projects, but your home or space should also bear your own stamp – hence the focus on Dopamine Décor in this issue.

How does one do it? Firstly, know yourself – know what you prefer and what you find distasteful and then bring your interests into your design. And secondly, save until you can afford what you really want.

Don't hesitate to send me your contribution for Reader's Revamp; we like to hear from our readers. Email the photos of your project to: [email protected]. No deadline; for the next 5 issues we will have a winner in each magazine.

Do something fun for the dopamine release, enjoy the almost-spring and the ecstasy that a new work of art, plant or fresh spring morning brings you!

Liewe Leser

Dopamien… o, ja! Daardie goedvoel-euforie waarna almal smag! Maar te veel van ’n goeie ding is mos ook nie goed nie. Jou liggaam stel groot hoeveelhede dopamien in jou bloedstroom vry wanneer jy iets aangenaams doen – maar hoë vlakke kan ongelukkig ook lei tot verslawings, slegte slaap en jou selfs aggressief maak. Dopamien moet dus in balans vrygestel word.

Dopamien Dekor gaan wel oor helder kleure, kontrasterende patrone, maksimalisme en pure vrolikheid, maar selfs hier moet balans in gedagte gehou word.

Ons nuwe gereelde artikel/kompetisie (Ja, jy kan wen!) waar lesers hul interieur/oordoenprojekte instuur, plaas weer eens die klem op binnehuisontwerp met JOU in gedagte. Dis baie goed om professionele hulp in te roep met sulke projekte, maar dis ook nodig dat jou huis of vertrek jou eie stempel dra – vandaar die klem op Dopamien Dekor in hierdie uitgawe.

Hoe doen ’n mens dit: Eerstens, ken jouself – weet waarvan jy hou en nie hou nie en bring dan jou belangstellings in jou ontwerp in. En tweedens, spaar tot jy kan bekostig wat jy rêrig wil hê.

Moenie aarsel om jou bydrae vir Reader’s Revamp in te stuur na my nie; ons hoor graag van ons lesers: E-pos die foto’s van jou projek na: [email protected]. Geen sperdatum nie; vir die volgende 5 uitgawes het ons ’n wenner in elke tydskrif.

Doen iets lekkers vir die dopamien-vrystelling, geniet die amper-lente en die ekstase wat ’n nuwe kunswerk, plant of vars lente-oggend vir jou inhou!

Ecclesiastes 7:14-15 
“When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future.”
(The Bible – NIV)

Dabbling with dopamine can be dicey… and can also be fantastic fun. Especially when on the harmless side like revamping your garden and home to the point of giving you kicks. That could be expensive, yes, but with careful budgeting and upcycling, your dopamine rush need not cause anyone harm. So, Dopamine Décor is all about bringing pleasure through the way you style your space. Make it singularly yours, or compromise halfway to meet the needs of your significant other(s). May the joy run deep.

Gerty Basson


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