Market Review - Aug 2019
FNB awards coastal real estate agents - Aug 2019
FNB awards coastal real estate agents - Aug 2019
FNB Namibia recently awarded coastal Real Estate Agents at an annual gala dinner held in Swakopmund.Tienie Mouton, FNB Coastal & Southern Area Manager, expressed his profound gratitude and thanked all Estate Agents for their loyalty and excellent support and their great performance.
He added: "FNB’s latest housing index indicated that property prices continued contracting aggressively across the country towards the end of 2018. The deep recession experienced over the past two years, has put severe strain on the sector. Central property prices contracted by 2.3% while coastal prices edged even lower to -13.9% over the past year."
Mouton emphasised the importance of partnership between FNB and real estate agents, "because we value the fact that you are demonstrating a clear commitment to playing an active role in the development of Namibia, particularly in the property industry".
Winners were:
Coastal Estate agents who have registered transactions between N$3 – N$5mil:
Leroy Kruger - Kruger Real Estate
Coastal Estate agents who have registered transactions between N$5 – N$10mil:
Olga Human - J & B Estates
Helvi Mupupa - Helvi Mupupa Realtors
Harrold Page - HomePage Estate Agency
The winning Rural agent: Coastal Area:
Harrold Page from HomePage Estate Agency
The winning Rural Agency of the Year: Coastal Area:
HomePage Estate Agency
Combined business received from these top four agencies exceeds N$29m:
Helvi Mupupa Realtors
HomePage Estate Agents
J&B Estates
Ramos Realtors

For more information, please call: 061 – 299 2222 or visit
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