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Market Review - Dec 2019

FNB treats and awards realtors

FNB treats and awards realtors

As part of the FNB Home Loans value proposition to their estate agents, FNB annually hosts a Mid-Year Realtors Club event. The event allows the Home Loans team to engage with the realtors, recognise front runners of the annual competition and share enhanced value propositions with them.

Delighting their customers is at the core of what FNB does, and therefore they annually invite a top-class speaker. The delivery differs from year to year and this year the Realtors Club was privileged to have Stef du Plessis as guest speaker.

Stef is an author, invention leader and South Africa’s leading professional conference and business speaker on the topics Workplace Culture and Employee Engagement. Given his depth of experience, gained from working with hundreds of thousands of people from across the length and breadth of organisations on five continents over the past 25 years, he is uniquely positioned to speak with some authority on these topics. His presence was perfectly timed, given the economic climate, the subdued property sales and the general feeling of Octoberitis. In true Stef-style he had the audience in the palm of his hands and very positive feedback was received from the estate agents present. Comments like “a new lease on life” and “at 60 I learnt something new” inspired FNB to continue striving to be the bank of choice.

During his talk Stef shared how estate agents can ramp up the way they do things in life and at work. He said: “When you do the things you said you will do, it sets you aside and makes you sell more.” He also encouraged the estate agents to create a league of their own and to practice work-life integration even when the economy is not ideal and to “make cold calls and show people the properties.”

This year’s front runner at half-year mark, was Uripi Kahorongo, with Archie Graham coming in as first runner-up, while Hayley Fay scooped second runner-up and Gretha Dos Santos secured the place of third runner-up.

At the event Magda Talbot thanked the estate agents for their continuous contributions to the success of FNB Home Loans.
“To our valued estate agents, thank you for your support and being ambassadors of our brand. Keep aiming for the stars, and you might strike the moon. Remember, it is about what you find during your journey that makes the end result worth it.”

Magda Talbot (Head: FNB Home Loans), Gretha dos Santos (3rd runner-up), and Steven Rencs (FNB Home Loans: Credit Manager).

Magda Talbot (Head: FNB Home Loans), Hayley Fay (2nd runner-up) and Steven Rencs (FNB Home Loans: Credit Manager).

Magda Talbot (Head: FNB Home Loans), Maleleine Kanner (accepted award on behalf of Archie Graham – 1st runner-up) and Steven Rencs (FNB Home Loans: Credit Manager).

For more information, please call: 061 – 299 2222 or visit www.fnbnambia.com.na


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