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Garden Focus - Dec/Jan '25

Gardening goes handmade

Gardening goes handmade

Gardening used to be a rather trendy industry, trying to keep up with the Joneses, gardening styles, new plants, new gardening tools, equipment, new trendsand what not. When a big garden guru like Keith Kirsten introduced his new hybrid rose, the next day all the gardeners would be queueing at the garden centre to get hold of that new Keith Kirsten rose.

Then came Covid and the whole perception of trends took a drastic turn into DIY, art and home-made everything.There will always be new trends regulated by new fashions in the gardening industry, which is not necessarilya bad thing, because this keeps the industry going.Since we realized that we were not to be so dependent on what Miss Jones has in her garden and that Covid was hampering our shopping sprees, we started making objects by hand, at home. The DIY and homemade concept took off and suddenly people started to realize the exclusivity of their products, starting a trend of its own.

Cement pots, wooden planters and other garden décor became extremely popular,with flea and farmer’s markets and shops receiving more homemade items than ever before.Having a handmade item in the garden is one of a kind and gives you a feeling of exclusivity.Water features, garden furniture, pots, ornaments and garden art brought people together and provided that homely feeling, putting so much character back into our daily lives.It also brought back a sense of appreciation for the smaller things in life, because suddenly, a piece of scrap metal or wood become valuable again and got recycled thanks to the homemade trend.Even growing your own food became extremely popular during Covid and more and more people became keen gardeners who never used to dirty their hands in the garden before.Growing our own vegetables and flowers also provided us with a sense of homemade bliss.

Then again, making something yourself is sure to give a feeling of worthiness and satisfaction that comes with providing a product that other people would gladly pay for.Whether it is a low-value item or even a high-end product, you as the creator of this product expressed your creativity,creating an exclusive and valuable item that may become tomorrow’s fashion trend and must-have for consumers.Even though you do it for self-satisfaction and you don’t plan on selling it at any market, you have aunique creation that nobody else has and may only desire.

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