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MTC Review - Oct/Nov '23

Hardware specialist loves his Spectra

Hardware specialist loves his Spectra

No matter where you live in Namibia, you would all agree that a good internet connection is part of what pleases us. That is why we decided to give you some feedback from clients who installed the MTC Spectra Home and the experience they have with it.

Our client is a male person who makes a living in physical and virtual hardware support. He and his partner are very happy with their MTC Spectra Home package.

What or who influenced your decision to sign up for MTC Spectra Home?
The marketing campaign of the service, especially printed and website marketing.

What was your experience before you had MTC Spectra Home?
We used MTC’s 4G and did not really have a problem with it, but since I am in IT, I am aware that 4G is not as stable as a fixed service.

How many MBPS did you sign up for and for what period?
2 year period and 25MBPS.

What are your top four uses for having a good internet connection?
Work, gaming, YouTube and movies.

What was the process involved in getting MTC’s Spectra Home?
It was quite fast. Within a week they did inspection, did the installation and
tested it, so it was 4-5 workdays. Quite happy.

At the end of this contract would you sign up again? With the same package?
I have already renewed.

Do you check your incoming and outgoing MBPS and are they as expected?
They are tested often and stay constant. Thanks to my line of work, I test the speed on a regular basis.

Are you connected via mobile or fixed services?
Both. My 4G is also still active for a family member.

During this whole process, what were the pros and cons for you?
The stability and speed are a huge advantage. It took some time to adapt to a stationary connection, coming from the 4G service. The negatives? I do not really have any negative experiences regarding this MTC Spectra Home connection.

Would you recommend this service to others?

Do you want to follow in our client’s footsteps? Get connected to MTC Spectra Home and apply via the MTC website (https://mtc.com.na/spectra) and click on “Preapprove Application” at the bottom of the page to get the process started.


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