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Cover your Life - Oct/Nov 2022

Hollard - insurance that covers completely

Hollard - insurance that covers completely

Building Cover:
Our building insurance covers the structures of your home and any fixtures or fittings that belong to you.
Household contents:
Household Contents insurance covers the prized possessions inside your home, from your personal belongings and furniture to your appliances and flat screen.

Personal computers:
Desktop and laptop computers, plus accessories such as printers, scanners and external hard drives. You can also insure your computer software.

You are covered for accidental loss or damage to your vehicle from any accidental cause, as well as any resulting liability to third parties.

What is a “pleasure-craft”?
This can be a motorboat, sailing boat, jet ski, wet bike, rubber duck or canoe used on water for private and leisure purposes with a maximum design speed of 100 km per hour and maximum hull length of 6 meters, along with the specified equipment and accessories.

Hollard Insurance Namibia Pty Ltd • +264 61 422 300 • info@hollardnam.com



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