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Letter from the Editor - Oct/Nov '24

Inspiration from nature and art

Inspiration from nature and art

Dear Reader

For the first time since we took over HouseFinder, it took me a very long time to find inspiration for this Editor’s Letter. Ironic, isn’t it, since this issue’s theme is Inspiration from Nature and Art.

Getting up every morning and stepping onto the treadmill is crucial for survival, because by the sweat of our brows we will earn our food... whatever item is our favourite on the braai: mealies, kapana or a lamb chop.

On a personal level, I find inspiration in performance. When something is done, it is done, and if my team and I are able to top our benchmark, all the better. For me, there is nothing as satisfying as adding another tick to that too-long TTD list.

What further inspires me is the joy that my handiwork can give someone – the rusks I bake for my children, the beautiful garden that Martin and I plant together, the plate of venison stew for a visiting guest, and the encouraging email from a satisfied client.

From the food on our plates to the flowers in our gardens and the colours in our homes – nature never ceases to inspire us. It is the source of everything creative.

As this year speeds downhill, may you continue with renewed vigour and soon find inspiration for your way forward.

Liewe Leser

Vir die eerste keer vandat ons HouseFinder oorgeneem het, het dit my baie lank geneem om inspirasie te vind vir die Redakteursbrief. Nogal ironies, aangesien die tema van die tydskrif juis Inspirasie vanaf Natuur en Kuns is.

Om soggens op te staan en voort te gaan is tog merendeels om den brode, want in die sweet van jou aangesig sal jy daardie dollar verdien vir jou gunsteling braai: mielies, kapana of ’n skaaptjoppie.

Op persoonlike vlak vind ek inspirasie in prestasie. As iets klaar is, is dit mos klaar, en as ek en my span boonop ’n hoë standaard stuk werk kan lewer, des te beter. Vir my is daar niks so bevredigend as die afmerklysie wat nog ’n regmerkie bykry nie.

Wat my verder inspireer, is die vreugde wat my handewerk iemand kan verskaf – die baksel beskuit vir my kinders, die mooi tuin wat ek en Martin saam plant, die bord wildsbredie vir ’n kuiergas, en die waarderende epos van 'n gelukkige kliënt.

Van die ete op jou bord tot die blom in jou tuin en die kleure in jou huis – die natuur hou nooit op om ons te begeester nie. Dis die bron van alles waarmee jy iets kunstig tot stand kan bring.

Mag jy teen die afdraande van 2024 opnuut met hernude krag voortgaan en spoedig inspirasie vind vir jou pad vorentoe.

Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (The Bible – NIV)
Theme stukkie: (70 woorde maks):

Allowing nature and art to thaw your solidified heart until it is soft and fertile like the original Paradise ... that would be something, wouldn’t it? Imagine being as responsive to (Namibian!) rain as our soil is, and equally receptive for growth and blooming. Can you envisage that inspiration rising in your being and flowing out through your fingers? Wouldn’t that be lovely?

Gerty Basson


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