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Pool Doctor - Apr/May '23

Keep your pool in shape – or time for a new one?

Keep your pool in shape – or time for a new one?

As autumn approaches, it's essential to start thinking about how to maintain and prepare your swimming pool for the cooler months ahead. At Lic Pool Namibia, we understand the importance of year-round pool maintenance, installation, and renovation. Here are some tips on how to maintain your swimming pool during the autumn season, as well as some information on how we can help you achieve your goals.

Pool DoctorRegular cleaning is critical to keep your pool free of debris and leaves that can clog your pool's filter and lead to cloudy water or algae growth. Regular vacuuming and skimming of the pool's surface can prevent these issues. Our pool cleaning services can help you keep your pool clean and well-maintained.

It's important to regularly check and adjust your pool's chemical levels as temperatures start to cool down. Changes in temperature can affect chemical levels, leading to imbalances that can result in algae growth or other water quality issues.

Pool DoctorTo ensure that your pool is properly maintained, have your pool water tested at least once a week during the autumn season.

Reduced pool usage is typical during autumn. However, it can lead to lower water circulation and water quality issues. To prevent this, it's recommended to run your pool pump and filter for at least six hours a day to maintain water circulation.

Pool DoctorApart from advice on looking after your pool, did you know that we provide exceptional pool installation and renovation services, even in remote locations throughout Namibia? Yes, our customized services are tailored to meet individual needs, from a sleek and modern pool to a more traditional one.
For a new swimming pool, our Team at Lic Pool use the latest technologies and features to ensure that your pool is functional, energy-efficient, and beautiful.

Just pop in at our offices – we will gladly assist you.

Until next time.

Burgert Terblanche

Tel: 061-232839, Fax: 061-238602
Email: info@licpool.com


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