Letter from the Editor - Apr/May 2022
The bland triangle
The bland triangle
Liewe Leser
Wanneer ek aan driehoeke dink kom die klein, metaal, driehoekige musiekinstrument eerste in my gedagtes op: Die bekende hand-perkussie. In my geestesoog sien ek die hand wat op maat saam beweeg: af-regs, links, op… af-regs, links, op.Vir my is daar nie soveel intense klank en meesleurende melodie aan die ou driehoekie soos bv. aan ’n harp of viool nie. Tog val die hand-perkussie in dieselfde kategorie as die simbaal en tamboeryn – van die oudste instrumente wat bestaan. Perkussie instrumente vorm dikwels die ruggraat van die orkes. Selfs Haydn en Mozart het daarvan ingesluit om addisionele aksente mee te bring in die spesifieke musiekstuk.
Ons as mens is maar te dikwels soos die ou driehoekie: Ons lyk en voel maar vaal, en dink aan onsself as die nuttelose en selfs vergete een in die groot orkes van die lewe… Ons dink ons is vervelig, eentonig en nietig.
Maar daar is ’n groter Een wat elke haar op ons koppe getel het. Wat ons met ’n doel en ’n ritme geskep het. Mag driehoeke vir jou nuwe inspirasie bring – kom ons skep saam met hernude inspirasie en eiewaarde.
Dear Reader
When I think about triangles, first to mind are those small, metal musical instruments: the well-known hand percussion ones. In my mind’s eye I see the hand keeping time with the music: down-right, left, up... down-right, left, up.I don’t find the modest triangle intensely moving or beautifully melodic like for instance a harp or violin. Yet the hand percussion falls in the same category as the cymbal or tambourine – those old, original musical instruments. Percussion instruments often form the spine of an orchestra. Even Haydn and Mozart included them to add additional accents to specific works of music.
As human specimens we are too often like the humble triangle: We look and feel bland and think of ourselves as the useless and even forgotten ones in the great orchestra of life… We think we are boring, insipid, and small.
But there is a greater One who has counted every hair on our heads and who created us with a specific goal and rhythm in mind. May triangles enthuse you with new inspiration. Let’s create together with renewed inspiration and a sense of self-worth.
Triangles in design
Our theme Triangles: think stability, sturdiness and being grounded. Much like an anchor which holds a boat steadfast in times of calm or storm. Said Thomas S. Monson: “Amidst the confusion of the times, the conflicts of conscience, and the turmoil of daily living, an abiding faith becomes an anchor to our lives.” And Gordon B. Hinckley agreed: “People are looking for stability in a shaky world. They want something… firm and sure and an anchor in the midst of all of this instability.”
In these times of extreme natural disasters, ordinary folk are very aware of the solidity or not of their earthly homes. Properties incorporating triangles are supposedly better buttressed against the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” (thanks, Shakespeare).
Keep in mind:
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11.29) (NIV)
Gerty Basson
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