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Letter from the Editor - Aug/Sept 2020

Flooring Solutions

Flooring Solutions

Liewe Leser

Eendag lank, lank gelede was daar ’n jongmeisie wie se omstandighede haar alleen in ’n woonstel in Gauteng gelaat het, met net kartonbokse om haarself te beskerm teen die koue. Dít het haar nie teruggehou in die lewe nie. Nee, sy het van die vloer af opgestaan en haarself bekwaam as ‘n CompTIA Gesertifiseerde Tegniese Opleier en het op dié manier haar kopsere die hoof gebied.

Hierdie is nie ‘n sprokie nie. Toe ek haar jare gelede tydens ‘n opleidingsessie ontmoet het, het sy die volgende bygevoeg: “Mense moenie vir my kom sê hul omstandighede tel teen hulle of dat die lewe hul hard behandel het nie. Daar IS altyd kanse en geleenthede. ‘n Mens moet net opstaan en die geleenthede gaan soek en sodoende iets aan jou omstandighede doen.”

As jy vandag teen die vloer is, as weghardloop en handdoek ingooi jou enigste oplossing blyk te wees, moenie die maklike uitweg sien as die enigste uitweg nie. Ek lees vanoggend op Netwerk-24 van ‘n bekwame ingenieur wat haar werk weens die Covid-19-inperking verloor het. Wat het sy gedoen? Sy stik nou maskers wat ook as serpe gebruik kan word en verf mense se huise uit vir ekstra inkomste. Probeer jou inkomste op meer as een manier aanvul. Elke druppel maak die emmer vol.
Kom ons staar nie vas teen die vloer waar die kartonbokse rondlê nie: Kyk! Die sterre skitter anderkant die plafon.

Dear Reader

One day long, long ago, there was young girl who was left alone by fate in a flat in Gauteng, with only cardboard boxes as protection against the cold. These harrowing circumstances did not hold her back. Nope, she picked herself up from the floor and later graduated as a CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer, facing her challenges head on.

This is no fairy tale. Years later, when I met her at a course, she said: “People must not tell me their circumstances count against them or that life has been cruel to them. There are ALWAYS prospects and opportunities. But we need to get up and go! We need to look for those opportunities and start doing something positive to our situation.”

If you are flat on the floor today, if it seems that throwing in the towel and running away is your best option, don’t view the easiest option as the only option. This morning I read in the news of an engineer who lost her position due to the Covid-19 lockdown. What did she do? She is stitching masks which can also be used as scarves and she is painting houses as a source of extra income. Try supplementing your income in more than one way. Every drop will help fill the bucket.
Let us not continue staring at the floor where the cardboard boxes are lying: Look! The stars are winking from beyond the ceiling.

KEEP IN MIND: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” (Psalm 121, A song of ascents) (NIV).

Our Theme: Flooring Solutions

As in any interior decorating project, research is vital before one starts planning a new floor. Don’t just merely choose a floor which will suit your décor and style, remember to weigh up the pros and cons of every type of material at your disposal. Naturally, your needs and budget will be the main factors to be considered. Do check out our suppliers and their wonderful specials – there is money to be saved!

Gerty Basson

Catalea Properties


Mcpherson Realtors

Rightmove Properties

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