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Letter from the Editor - Aug/Sept 2021

Mankind's Cycle

Mankind's Cycle

Liewe Leser

Alles in die natuur werk in siklusse. Kyk maar net na die metamorfose van die skoenlapper of die verandering van seisoene. In Namibië weet ons dat ná goeie reënjare daar wel weer êrens ‘n droogte gaan kom.

Volgens die boek The Fourth Turning deur William Strauss en Neil Howe gaan die mens ook deur verskillende stadia in ooreenstemming met die verskillende generasies. Hul idee is dat die siklus van mense-sake ongeveer in 80-jaar blokke plaasvind… en dat ons nou in die krisis-dekade van die huidige 80-jaar blok is.Om visionêr te bly in hierdie tye is noodsaaklik vir enige leier. Kyk hoe dinge verander en beplan daarvolgens. (‘n Eenvoudige voorbeeld is die rol wat die digitale geldstelsel en kunsmatige intelligensie in die toekoms gaan speel.)

Nou is dit nie die tyd om paniekerig te raak nie. Kom ons gaan net weer terug na die natuur. Kyk hoe maak die mier: Hy dryf homself met ‘n doel, hy dink groot en werk saam in ‘n span. ‘n Mier maak tyd vir rus, dra net die pakkie wat hy kan en dien ook ander.

Geniet hierdie uitgawe waar ons fokus op Leefstyl in die Natuur. Ons splinternuwe vervolgverhaal en vele meer bied jou weereens hope leesstof.

Dear Reader

Everything in nature follows a cycle. Just look at the metamorphosis of a butterfly or the changing of the seasons. In Namibia we know by now that after rainy years, there will always be anothr drought.

According to the Strauss-Howe theory (The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe) mankind also goes through various stages in unison with the generations.

They reckon that mankind’s cycle occurs in blocks of 80 years… and that we are now in the crisis decade of the current 80-year segment. To remain visionary in these times is a vital challenge for every leader. Watch out for changes and adapt and plan accordingly. (A simple example is the future role of the digital monetary system and artificial intelligence.)

Now is not the time to panic. Let us return to nature and observe the ants beneath our feet: they set and aim for goals, think ahead and work together as a team. They take time-out to rest, carry only as much as they are able to and also serve others.

Enjoy this edition where we focus on Natural Living. Our brand-new serial and much more once again offer you thought-provoking reading.

Our Theme: Nature Living

Most Namibians are privileged to live within easy access of the great outdoors. Some are fortunate in having a view of nature or being able to step out into the veld. Developments such as Regenstein, Finkenstein, Herboth’s Blick, Elisenheim and Osona Village are popular for this very reason: the residents are able to experience the joy of seeing wild aloes in bloom or smelling rain on hot, sandy soil. Let us cherish our open spaces.

Keep in mind: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.”
(Proverbs 6:6-8) (NIV).

Gerty Basson

Catalea Properties


Mcpherson Realtors

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