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Letter from the Editor - Dec/Jan 2024

Every-new-day Resolutions

Every-new-day Resolutions

Dear Reader

Looking back at 2023, we see twelve months that each had their own set of challenges. Food prices have continued to rise month after month (and are still rising), fuel has gone up and house prices have not come down. That’s the reality we are facing.

As I write here, the war in Israel has also started, this in the midst of the war between Russia and the Ukraine which is still raging. Everywhere there are reports of floods and droughts and political unrest...

And what about New Year’s resolutions? Should we stop dreaming? Should we stop planning? My answer is an unequivocal “No!” We must push forward, because the Bible teaches that hope will not lead to disappointment. Write a list and see what you would like to change, and what you still want to achieve.

For example, if you would like to buy a first property, save little by little for that larger deposit. Change and achieve things step by step. Before you know it, you will be there! Let us no longer call it “new year’s resolutions”, but rather “every-new-day resolutions”.
I wish you a peaceful and blessed Christmas time, until February 1 when our first edition of 2024 will DV be distributed.

Liewe Leser

Kyk ons terug op 2023, sien ons twaalf maande wat elkeen hul eie stel uitdagings gehad het. Voedselpryse het maand na maand aanhou styg (en styg steeds), brandstof het opgegaan en huispryse wil nie afkom nie. Dis die realiteit waarmee ons moet saamleef.

Terwyl ek hier skryf, het die oorlog in Israel ook ’n aanvang geneem, dit te midde van die oorlog tussen Rusland en die Oekraïne wat steeds voortwoed. Dis vloede en droogtes en politieke onrus net waar jy kyk…

En wat van nuwejaarsvoornemens? Moet ons ophou droom? Moet ons ophou beplan? Dan is my antwoord onomwonde “Nee!” Ons moet deurdruk, want die Bybel leer vir ons dat die hoop nie beskaam nie. Maak ‘n bestekopname, kyk wat jy graag wil verander en wat jy nog wil bereik.

As jy byvoorbeeld graag ‘n eerste eiendom wil koop, spaar bietjie vir bietjie vir daardie groter deposito. Bereik dinge stap vir stap. Voor jy jou kan kry, is jy daar! Kom ons noem dit nie meer “nuwejaarsvoornemens” nie, maar eerder “elke-nuwe-dag-voornemens”.

Hiermee wens ek jou ‘n rustige en geseënde Kerstyd toe, tot 1 Februarie wanneer ons eerste uitgawe van 2024 DV versprei word.

“...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

Outdoor living, to us urbanites, has a certain romantic ring to it. Our thoughts range from quiet campfires to dipping our toes in splash pools while sipping some mocktail.

Or do we think of swatting flies and ugly mosquitoes, dodging hungry seagulls or side-stepping doggy poo? Life outside cán be glorious and fun… Isn't it what you make of it? Our contributors tell us how.

Gerty Basson


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