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Letter from the Editor - Dec/Jan 2022

Orientate your life for success

Orientate your life for success

Liewe Leser

Aan die einde van nog ’n jaar en aan die vooraand van 2022 wonder jy dalk hoe om jouself te oriënteer vir wat moontlik volgende jaar voorlê ná ’n jaar vol uitdagings.

Oriëntering is tog iets wat ’n mens voortdurend moet doen, en nie noodwendig stop by ’n sekere ouderdom nie. Sukses is nie iets waarop jy per ongeluk afkom nie. As jy dus iets wil hê in hierdie lewe, en jy nie jouself reg oriënteer om die kanse op sukses meer te maak nie, sal dit jou nie per abuis te beurt val nie.

Volgens Jordan Peterson, Kanadese professor in sielkunde, sal die vraag wees wat jy dan nou eintlik wil hê en jy moet jou lewe dan heroriënteer op elke moontlike manier sodat die moontlikheid dat daardie iets sal plaasvind, ‘n groter sekerheid word. (Jordan Peterson’s life advice will leave you speechless – YouTube video).

Dié jaar het jou dalk met ’n gevoel van leegheid gelaat; miskien met die afsterwe van ’n geliefde of die verlies aan inkomste op welke manier ook al. Dit sal dalk iets daadwerkliks van jou verg om jouself weer te oriënteer vir die nuwe jaar, maar ek bly glo: waar ’n wil is, is ’n weg.

Dear Reader

With the year drawing to a close and 2022 standing fresh before us, you may be wondering how to orientate yourself for that which may be lying ahead after this year of challenges.

Realignment needs to be done regularly, not only to wheels, but to ourselves as well, and the process never really stops at a certain age. Success does not happen by chance. When you really want something in life and do not align yourself to improve the chances of success, it won’t merely fall into your lap.

According to Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychology professor, the question is knowing what you really desire and then wholly orientating your life so that the possibility of making that something happen, becomes a surety. (Jordan Peterson’s life advice will leave you speechless – You Tube video).

Perhaps this year left you with a feeling of emptiness; perhaps a loved one passed away or there was a loss of income. Moving on and realigning yourself to face the year head-on will take some doing, but I firmly believe: where there is a will, there is a way.

Our Theme: Sustainability

Jessie Rack, writing on behalf of the World Energy Foundation, states that “sustainability is an age-old concern for the future of our resources. The word was coined in German (Nachhaltigkeit, meaning sustained yield). It first appeared in a handbook of forestry published in 1713, and was used to mean never harvesting more than the forest can regenerate. The translated term appeared in English beginning in the mid-19th century. Later the concept of sustainability started referring to all biological systems. The word today implies balance on how human needs can be met without degrading the natural environment. Sustainable development’s goals are economic development, social development, and environmental protection.

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

Gerty Basson


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