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Letter from the Editor - Feb/Mar '24

Live your life well!

Live your life well!

Dear Reader

If, at the start of the year you already feel as if you don’t know where to start ordering your life, you may as well start with your body. Use less sugar, cut out gluten, drink less alcohol, pamper and nourish your hair – just start somewhere!

Go for a good start and then tackle the next step: Create order. Start with one category (such as Tupperware or books) and get rid of the white elephants. Who says one should wait for Spring? No, jump in now and pack away, give away or throw away.

Marie Kondo, that well-known fixer-upper, said "A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective. It is life transforming."

We are all important cogs in the great wheel of life. Live it well!

Liewe Leser

As jy aan die begin van die jaar alreeds voel soos iemand wat nie weet waar om te begin om orde in jou lewe te kry nie, sou dit nie ‘n slegte idee wees om by jou lyf te begin nie. Ek stem volmondig met die gesegde saam: “‘n Gesonde liggaam huisves ’n gesonde gees.”

Eet minder suiker, sny gluten uit, drink minder alkohol, gee jou hare die voeding wat dit kort, maar begin net iewers.

’n Goeie begin is half gewin. Nou kan mens die volgende stap aanvat: Skep orde. Begin by een kategorie (bv. Tupperware of boeke) en raak ontslae van al die wit olifante. Wie sê ’n goeie regruk moet in die lente gebeur? Nee, begin sommer nou en pak weg, gee weg en gooi weg.

Marie Kondo, die wêreldbekende opruimdeskundige, het gesê ’n dramatiese opruimaksie van jou huis skep noodgedwonge dramatiese veranderinge in jou leefstyl en sal beter perspektief meebring. Dis lewensveranderend!

Elkeen van ons is ’n belangrike komponent in die groot wiel van die lewe. Live it well!
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” 
2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

If our home is where our heart is, then that home needs to be the best home it can be. From our hearts come our words and we know that they can be super damaging. So wellness in the home is more than the absence of leaded paint and the presence of oxy-gen-rich greenery. A truly healthy home is holistically beneficial to body and soul.

Gerty Basson


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