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Letter from the Editor - Oct/Nov 2022

Time is a curve

Time is a curve

Liewe Leser

Die uurglas vir 2022 loop uit. Tyd wag vir niemand nie.

Tyd is ook maar net een groot kurwe (ter aansluiting by ons tema van die maand Embracing Curves). Frederick Nietzsche se boek “The Gay (Joyous) Science” verwys na tyd wat siklies is en dat ons elke oomblik van ons lewens oor en oor sal herhaal, elke keer op presies dieselfde manier; dat elke oomblik in ons lewe nie bloot vlietend is nie, en eggo tot in alle ewigheid. Later is sy siening opgesom in die woorde time is merely a flat circle.

Dalk is daardie oomblikke, wat tot in ewigheid in eggo, die laaste beelde wat voor ons oë sal verbyflits in ons finale oomblikke op aarde. Dalk moet ons ons keuses met meer oorleg maak.
Ek glo mense kan wel leer uit hul foute, en poog om dit nie weer te doen nie. Dalk word daar deur herhaling ’n beter mens gevorm met nuwe lewenspatrone en verbeterde besluite.

As jy voel of jy oomblikke (selfs ure of maande) in jou lewe verloor het en dalk nie bereik het wat jy wou nie – ja, as jy dink die lewe het jou te veel curve balls gegooi, maak dan die beste van die oomblikke wat nog voorlê.

Maar bowenal, koop die tyd uit – dit staan nie stil nie.

Dear Reader

The hourglass for the year 2022 is running out. Time waits for no-one.

Time is just one long curve (speaking of our theme for this issue “Embracing Curves”). Frederick Nietzsche in his book “The Gay (Joyous) Science”, referred to time being cyclical and that we will repeat every moment of our livesin the same way over and over; that every moment of our lives is not merely fleeting but echoes into eternity. Later his maxim was summarised as time is merely a flat circle.

Perhaps those moments which echo into eternity are the final images that will play like a movie reel before our eyes during our last moments on earth. Possibly we should be intent on making more mindful decisions.

I believe people can learn from their mistakes and attempt to avoid repeating them. Perhaps, through repetition, a better individual can be formed with new life patterns and improved decision-making.

If you feel as if you have lost moments (or even hours or months) in your life and have not accomplished your dreams – perhaps you felt life has dealt you too many curve balls – then make the best of the moments still ahead.

But most of all: treat time as something precious, for it does not stand still.

Our Theme – Embracing Curves

Embracing curves: to invite, to welcome, to accept that which is not linear but rather contoured, undulated, or gently rounded like a meniscus. Interpret this theme as you wish: think bodies, think architecture, think designs in general. Nature is not box-like, why should our lives and our living spaces be? Psychology tells us that pleasant emotions go hand in hand with free-flowing forms. Think of moving water. Is there a better place to just be?

“As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” Psalm 103:15 - 16 (NIV)

Gerty Basson


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