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Letter from the Editor - Oct/Nov 2023

Habit is a cable

Habit is a cable

Dear Reader

When I was young my Gran Gerty had a postcard hanging in the outside toilet on their farm Sissekab. The postcard read: “Habit is a cable, we weave a thread each day and it becomes so strong, we cannot break it.”

Gran’s home life was filled with many good habits: get up early and get much done; don’t just plonk something down, put it away; phone your family... and many more.

I recently visited my daughter in the Cape and before long, we found ourselves in a bookstore. “Mom, do buy this book, then I can borrow it from you...” The book was Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Mr Clear maintains that true change (good habits) come by making many small, good decisions. The title refers to atomic as in tiny atoms bonding together. I am in agreement that one’s environment influences one’s habits (good or bad). So, if you struggle to get around to exercising, put your exercise mat out at night so that you will see it in the morning. Do you forget to drink your vitamins? Place the bottle on the counter to remind you.

Perhaps you have a ‘cable’ of bad habits tripping you up. Are they keeping you back and are you in a daily rut of doing something that will prove negative in future? Rather start today by forming constructive habits that may make a positive impact on your future.

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Tydens my kinderjare, in my ouma Gerty se buitetoilet op hul plaas, Sissekab, het ‘n klein poskaartjie gehang: “Habit is a cable, we weave a thread each day and it becomes so strong, we cannot break it.” Daar was baie goeie gewoontes in daardie huis: staan baie vroeg op en kry baie gedoen; moenie iets net neersit nie, sit dit weg; bel jou familie… en vele meer.

Onlangs besoek ek my dogter in die Kaap en voor ek my oë kon uitvee dwaal ons deur ‘n boekwinkel. “Mamma, jy moet die boek koop sodat ek hom later by mamma kan leen…”: Atomic Habits van James Clear. Mnr Clear glo dat ware verandering (goeie gewoontes) kom deur heelwat klein, goeie besluite te neem – vandaar Atomic Habits.

Ek stem heelhartig met hom saam dat ‘n mens se omgewing jou gewoontes (goed of sleg) beïnvloed. As jy dus sukkel om aan die oefen te kom: Pak vanaand jou oefenmat uit en sit hom daar waar jy hom more-oggend kan raaksien. Vergeet jy om jou vitamienes te drink? Sit die bottel op die toonbank, sodat jy dit nie weer miskyk nie.

Gaan jy dalk met ‘n stuk “kabel” deur die lewe? Rem jou gewoontes jou terug en is jy dalk besig om iets op ‘n daaglikse basis te doen wat jou eendag duur te staan gaan kom? Begin vandag met klein, goeie gewoontetjies – en verbeter so jou toekoms.
OUR THEME: FUSION (Mixing Styles)
Fusion as a design style is a mixture, a combination, an unexpected putting together of contradictory elements to create a successful new blend. In our Namibian context, we can call it a reconciled Harambee house. Jokes aside, the style provides for freedom of choice and even a wee bit of rebellion. Perhaps Bohemians, rather than minimalists, will just love it.
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

Gerty Basson


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