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Letter from the Editor - Oct/Nov 2021

Make a statement!

Make a statement!

Liewe Leser

Om ’n statement piece vir jou woning te beplan, is nie altyd so moeilik nie – ‘n indrukwekkende kaggel of ’n asemrowende skildery: ’n Bietjie google en inisiatief, en siedaar! Jy maak jou standpunt: hier is ons meer retro, of eklekties, en dáár is ons meer art deco.

Om ’n statement te maak in jou leefarea is een ding, maar om standpunt in te neem teen ’n onding in ons samelewing, is nie iets wat alle mense graag doen nie. Diesulkes sal eerder wegskram en maak of hul van niks weet of hoor nie. Soos die spreekwoordelike hear-no-evil apies.

Onlangs het verwoestende brande kilometers se plase in Namibië afgebrand. Volgens die koerante is ’n man oorlede wat deur die vlamme by Dordabis oorval is. Boonop is ongeveer 37 000 hektaar daar verwoes.

Of jy naweekboer, hervestigingsplaasbewoner of kolebrander is, die aanspreeklikheid bly dieselfde. Jy is verantwoordelik om die natuur te beskerm.

Ja, dit verskaf groot blydskap om iets nuuts en treffends in jou huis te sit, maar selfs meer as dit kan ons vreugde daarin vind om ons land se natuurerfenis op die hart te dra. Dis immers ons redelike plig.

Dear Reader

To plan a statement piece for your home such as an impressive fireplace or breath-taking artwork is not so difficult – just use Google and a bit of initiative and there you have it! Your statement to the world: here we are more retro, or eclectic, and in that spot, we prefer art deco.

Making a statement in your lounge is one thing but taking a point of view and making a statement against some atrocity in society is usually not a popular choice. Those who avoid making waves are like the proverbial hear-no-evil monkey.

Sometime a spade needs to be called a spade. Such as recently when Namibia lost kilometre after kilometre of farms to raging veld fires. According to the newspapers, the charred body of a man was found near Dordabis. Some 37 000 hectares was destroyed, and that in a pastoral country making its living from stock faring.

Whether you are a weekend farmer, resettled farmer or a charcoal burner, the accountability is exactly the same. You are responsible for protecting nature.

Yes, it is a pleasure to add a statement piece to your home, but we can go even further and find our joy in having Namibia’s nature at heart. That, after all, is our reasonable duty.

Our Theme: Statement Pieces

In our theme this month – Statement Pieces – we explore our natural inclination towards the theatrical. Isn’t it fun being somewhat over the top sometimes? A risqué joke or turn of tongue, a flashy Bohemian outfit, a slinky-sequined-sexy skirt or a huge maximalist artwork can be so satisfying, don’t you think?

Whether we do it to draw attention or to merely fulfil a personal dream doesn’t really matter. The choice is ours.

“Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.” (Proverbs 4:25-26) (NIV).

Gerty Basson


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