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Garden Focus - Apr/May '24

May your indoor plants welcome you home

May your indoor plants welcome you home

The Dulux colour of 2024 is Sweet Embrace™, a soft and positive tone that ties in perfectly with variants of green plants to help make our homes feel special.

Indoor plants have become quite popular in today’s townhouse-generation culture, where outdoor space is limited.

Various foliage colours and textures make indoor gardening a sight for sore eyes, as greenery provides warmth and atmosphere and is therapeutic after a stressful day at work.

The basic principle for happy and healthy indoor plants would be an organic, rich indoor potting mix that drains well but retains enough moisture. Do not mix garden soil into your potting medium to save on expensive commercial potting soil. Most commercial potting medium is formulated to accommodate indoor pot plants, whereas garden soil particles are way too fine, causing poor drainage and plants ending up with root rot. Most people overwater their plants. Edges of the leaves turning brown with dead plant cells, is a clear indication. Always test with your finger, and only water when the topsoil is completely dry. After watering, always empty drip trays after about 15 minutes to prevent over-moist conditions.

It is important to transplant your pot plants into slightly bigger pots to ensure enough root-growing space. Feed at least every four to six weeks with an organic liquid fertilizer which contains mostly all nutrients necessary for optimal development.

Transplant your pot plants at least every second year to prevent restricted roots. With regular watering, nitrates and salts will accumulate on the soil surface in an unsightly white deposit. This eventually causes toxicity and damage to the roots system and killing your plant. Regular transplanting will prevent this, or simply replace the top third of your potting soil with some fresh medium every now and again.

Plant foliage tends to catch quite a lot of dust after some time which needs to be wiped off with a soft cloth. Leaf shine may be sprayed only on leathery leaves without epidermal hair, such as African violets.

Sufficient indirect sunlight is extremely important. Add artificial lighting, if necessary, to ensure your pot plants’ optimal performance. Always choose containers that complement your plant. Indoor pot plants form part of your home décor and should enhance your interior space. Well-selected ceramic, clay, or even modern plant containers with striking indoor plants, can make a bold statement.

Receive your free therapy every day with companions such as lovely indoor house plants. They’re like a sweet embrace welcoming you home.
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