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Meet the Agent - Aug/Sep '23

Florencia Tjiurikouje Kavendjii

Florencia Tjiurikouje Kavendjii

Welcome to our exclusive interview with distinguished real estate agent, Florencia Tjiurikouje Kavendjii. She is the principal agent of Jireh Real Estates and has been in business for more than 8 years.

Florencia recently won an award of Excellence at the Annual Bank Windhoek Real Estate Awards and is truly dedicated to help clients navigate the dynamic world of real estate.

Florencia, what specific geographic areas or neighborhoods do you specialise in?
I have extensive experience in real estate and am still learning. I actually sell properties all over Windhoek and have also had a few sales at the coast as well as the north and south of our country.

How do you stay up to date with market trends and pricing of properties, to ensure you choose the right listing price?
I read a lot and often attend training on the house listings. Even so, the valuation must be less than six months old and it helps with guiding us and guiding the sellers.

How do you assist clients in preparing their properties for sale or rent to maximise their appeal to potential buyers?
Real estate and house-owning is a very emotional game, I first sit with the sellers and try to understand the reasons for their selling or leasing out their properties. I then take into consideration the market trajectory at the given time, which then gives me a right answer on how I can advise them. There’s no straight answer as each client’s position is different and one must help each client on that basis.

What steps do you take to ensure a smooth closing process for your clients/sellers?
On our first consultation I don’t promise and then under deliver. I clearly explain to all the stakeholders involved how they are dependent on each other for the closing of the transaction.

How does one handle a difficult client?
I came to understand that difficult clients will always be part of our industry and I try to get ready for their emotions, listen carefully while they’re talking. I don’t respond to negativity and one can tell that some clients are just negative. I’m not sensitive to criticism, I have learned how to use it as fuel for my progress.

Have you had any strange encounters whilst showing properties to potential buyers?
Not really, I thank God for a smooth ride.

After a busy day of real estate transactions, how do you relax or unwind?
I play instrumental gospel on YouTube, it’s so soothing and calming. I also don’t like noise around the house and we keep the environment as quiet as possible and we hardly watch TV during the week.

Florencia Tjiurikouje Kavendjii
Principal agent of Jireh Real Estates

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