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MTC Review - Feb/Mar '24

MTC Spectra Home Review

MTC Spectra Home Review

No matter where you live in Namibia, you would all agree that a good internet connection is part of what pleases us. That is why we decided to give you some feedback from clients who installed the MTC Spectra Home and the experience they have with it.

We are a family of 4 that reside in Otjiwarongo. I, my wife and our two children sometimes use Spectra with four devices at the same time with no issues of lag. We all stream via either YouTube, Netflix or DStv Now. My wife also occasionally works from home and does live video conferences among other things. I can honestly say since day one we have had no issues with MTC’s Spectra and we are very pleased with our choice.

What or who influenced your decision to sign up for MTC Spectra Home?
After lots of research and previous issues with 4G, I realised that Spectra was my next best option.

What was your experience before you had MTC Spectra Home?
Connections were always inconsistent – fast, then slow, or nothing.

How many Mbps did you sign up for and for what period?
25Mbps for 3 years.

What are your top four requirements for having a good internet connection?
Streaming Netflix, DStv Now, YouTube and occasional gaming.

What was the process involved in getting MTC’s Spectra Home?
Worked with the MTC agent here in Otjiwarongo, Martina. The whole process was excellent and we waited three months for our equipment but she organised a temporary 4G router till our dish and new router arrived.

At the end of this contract would you sign up again? With the same package?
Yes definitely, but want to upgrade to 50Mbps and fibre cable once it has been laid past our house.

Do you check your incoming and outgoing Mbps and are they as expected?
Yes, I do and downloads are sometimes more than 25Mbps which is great! Uploads slightly less but that’s expected from an “over the air” connection.

Are you connected via mobile or fixed services?
Fixed services.

During this whole process, what were the pros and cons for you?
The only con was the waiting period for installation but that was understandable due to limited availability after Covid.

Would you recommend this service to others?
Most definitely as you pay less for the same connection compared to all the other ISP’s and I received great service for the whole setup since the beginning. No services needed once all was up and running as I have had no issues since.

Do you want to follow in our client’s footsteps? Get connected to MTC Spectra Home and apply via the MTC website (https://mtc.com.na/spectra) and click on “Preapprove Application” at the bottom of the page to get the process started.


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