Letter from the Editor - Feb/Mar '25
Multi-sensory design
Multi-sensory design
Dear Reader
Years ago, my brother-in-law lost his sense of smell in a paragliding accident. Perhaps you are thinking that one’s sense of smell is not that important after all; that you would rather lose your sense of smell than any other sense?However, not being able to smell is more than missing the aroma of freshly baked goodies from the oven or a brewed cup of coffee. Pleasant scents can reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol, helping our bodies to be more relaxed. The limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and memory, is stimulated by pleasant smells. Therefore, for example, the smell of the first rain drops on our Namibian soil will lead to the release of serotonin in the bloodstream, improving your mood and making you feel happy.
Smells, sounds, feelings and images – all these are equally important when we plan our homes and gardens. Something that is gentle on the eye and the ear, such as a waterfall in a swimming pool, a roughly finished focal wall, or the scent of jasmine ... All these contribute to the stimulation of our senses which in turn are responsible for our daily dose of exuberance.
When you stand back and appreciate the scents of your newly planted garden, or admire a newly decorated room, just ponder a while about those who cannot see or experience it – and count your blessings one more time.
Liewe Leser
Jare gelede het my swaer in ’n ongeluk met sy skermsweeftuig sy reuksintuig verloor. Nou kan jy moontlik dink dat ’n reuksintuig tog nie so belangrik is nie. Dat jy eerder jou reuksintuig as iets anders sou wou verloor?Om nie te kan ruik nie, is egter meer as net om die aroma van ’n baksel beskuit of ’n koppie koffie mis te loop. Aangename geure kan die vrystelling van kortisol (streshormoon) verminder, wat jou liggaam help om meer ontspanne te wees. Die limbiese stelsel, wat verantwoordelik is vir emosies en geheue, word gestimuleer deur aangename reuke. Daarom sal die reuk van die eerste buitjie reën op ons Namibiese grond, as voorbeeld, ly tot die vrystelling van serotonien in jou bloedstroom wat jou bui verbeter en jou gelukkig laat voel.
Reuke, klanke, gevoel en beelde – dit alles is ewe belangrik wanneer ons ons huise en tuine beplan. Iets wat sag op die oog en oor is – ’n waterval in ’n swembad, ’n grof-afgewerkte fokusmuur, die geur van jasmyn in ’n bedding... Dit alles dra by tot die stimulering van ons sintuie wat op hul beurt verantwoordelik is vir ons daaglikse “goedvoel”.
Wanneer jy weer terugstaan en die geure van jou pas-geplante tuintjie waardeer, of die nuut-gerestoureerde vertrek bewonder, dink maar vir ’n wyle aan diegene wat nie dit kan sien of ervaar nie – en tel sommer jou seëninge nog ’n keer.
Our theme – Multi-sensory Design – is a feel-good phrase in itself. It creates a happy feeling of suspense, because we are being regarded as holistic beings able to appreciate a full-on treat. With less cortisol, and more serotonin and dopamine thrown into the mix, what can be better from the consumers’ point of view? Yet from a designer’s point of view there is a huge responsibility to create spaces and stuff that impact gently on our physiques and souls. Thank you in advance.
KEEP IN MIND: Mark 4:23-24
23 “If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”
24 “Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.”
(The Bible – NIV)

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