Pool Doc - Feb/March '23
On pool service, pool covers and all things water wise
On pool service, pool covers and all things water wise
Unless your world consists of no radio, no social media, no television and no newspaper, I am sure you are all aware of the effect humans have on nature and our carbon footprint. We can all live more mindfully, respecting our natural resources.In Namibia, specific resources like water, for example, is something we need to use wisely.
The recent drought here and in South Africa opened our eyes on how to use water sparingly without compromising our lifestyle.
When it comes to pools and water features, these may look like huge water-wasters, however there are numerous ways to enjoy these luxuries and still be “water wise”.

Like with a car, a pool needs a proper service, at least once a year. Mark the water level and monitor it over a 24-hour period. With a cover on the pool, a drop of more than 3 mm means there is a leak on either the filtration line, the pump and filter or at the pool itself.
If you suspect a leak, we have various ways to determine where it can be.

On the above topic so much more can be added. Please visit us at Lic Pool, phone or email me at:
burgert@licpool.com and let's talk about water mindfully.
Until next time.
Burgert Terblanche
Tel: 061-232839, Fax: 061-238602
Email: info@licpool.com

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