Letter from the Editor - Jun/Jul '24
Reconsidered Layouts
Reconsidered Layouts
Dear Reader
The Dutch explain the meaning of "unique" so well: “waar er maar één exemplaar van bestaat,” meaning "of which only one specimen exists."Do you sometimes look at beautiful houses, gardens and people and think: How could I (or my house) ever look like that? But I have good news: Being unique means being yourself! There is, of course, nothing wrong with a make-over and we all need something like that sometimes.
Just do what you can. Improve yourself by figuratively eating the elephant bit by bit. Start by making your living area (and yourself) beautiful. For example, if diets don't work for you, just cut out something unhealthy or start walking in the evening after work.
Budgets for home makeover projects are mostly tight these days, but a little make-over can make a big difference: Paint your front door, tidy up your bookshelf, organise your desk by hiding those loose papers in attractive boxes, give your bedside table a new face, paint an old piece of furniture, or get some indoor plants. Even better: Paint and decorate a wall! It's now trendy again to separate living areas from each other. (Hence our theme for the month – Reconsidered Layouts).
We are never too old to try something. HouseFinder (almost 18 years old) has a new "face" as from this edition. Maintaining our unique character and personality, we have spruced up our image a bit.
Enjoy reading and celebrating the unique "specimen" YOU are with us this winter!
Liewe Leser
Die Hollanders verduidelik die betekenis van “uniek” so mooi: “waar er maar één exemplaar van bestaat.”Kyk jy soms na mooi huise, tuine en mense en dink: Hoe kan ek (of my huis) ooit so lyk? Ek bring goeie nuus: Om uniek te wees, is om net jouself te wees!Daar is natuurlik niks fout met ’n “make-over” nie, en ons almal het soms so iets nodig.
Doen net wat jy kan om jouselfte verbeter (eet die olifant stukkie-vir-stukkie op).Begin van een kant af om jou leefarea (en jouself) mooi te maak. As diëte byvoorbeeld nie vir jou werk nie, sny net iets ongesonds uitof begin stap saans na werk.
Begrotings vir huis-oordoen-projekte is meestal knap deesdae, maar ’n klein “oordoen” kan ’n groot verskil maak: Verf jou voordeur, pak jou boekrak reg, maak jou lessenaar netjies (pak los papiere in boksies), gee jou bedkassie ’n nuwe gesig, verf ’n ou meubelstuk, kry ’n paar binnenshuise plante. Nog beter: Verf en versier ’n muur! Dis mos nou weer mode om leefareas af te skei van mekaar. (Vandaar ons tema vir die maand – ReconsideredLayouts).
Jy is nooit te oud om iets te probeer nie. HouseFinder(amper 18 jaar oud) het van hierdie uitgawe af ’n nuwe “gesig”. Met ons unieke karakter en persoonlikheid, het ons net ’n nuwe baadjie aangetrek.
Geniet die lees, en vier die “exemplaar” wat JY is saam met ons dié winter!
PSALM 139:14: “I praiseyoubecause I am fearfullyandwonderfullymade; yourworks are wonderful, I knowthatfullwell.” (The Bible – NIV.)
While having everything out in the open is meant to promote inclusivity, people are finding that having an open-concept home or office is not so functional after all. It doesn’t promote privacy and offers little scope to hide our daily messes.
And, who knows, wanting to be secure behind walls could be that ancient longing back to the womb. Whatever it means to each of us, the trend is pointing towards reconsidered layouts and more confined spaces.

Gerty Basson
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