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Cover your Life - Aug/Sept 2021

Spending time in nature - Hollard has you covered!

Spending time in nature - Hollard has you covered!

Good mental health depends on a balanced work-private life. Spending time outdoors in nature lowers negative feelings and increases pleasant emotions – benefitting all-round wellbeing such as blood pressure, heart rate and organs and ensuring less production of stress hormones. How much time does one need outdoors to benefit in this way? The learned ones say 120 minutes per week.

Exposure to nature is not only a nice-to-have, but it is a must-have for physical health and cognitive function.
At Hollard Insurance we want you to spend time outdoors and leave all your troubles in our hands while you relax. That is why we offer ALL RISK insurance.

What is All Risk insurance?

This refers to accidental loss or damage of goods that typically occurs away from your home, usually involving items that you wear or carry, such as watches, handbags or accessories.

Under the All-Risk cover there are two sections:

Unspecified property

Set the amount that you want to be insured for high enough, in case a loss occurs. You will however be paid out 25% of the sum insured for any single item, pair or set. Example: Clothing and personal effects (low-value items such as pens, make-up and handbags).

Also includes sports equipment and pedal cycles (only insured up to N$ 5 000 if unspecified). At this stage Hollard Insurance is the only insurer that offers unspecified pedal cycle cover. Pay-outs of cell phones, phablets and tablets which ARE NOT more specifically insured will be to a maximum of N$ 3 000 per device.

Specified property

Items of high value should be specified individually as per their value, such as pedal cycles, devices, jewellery, and cameras. Hollard Insurance will not pay out more than the sum insured or the new replacement value for the same or similar item, whichever is the lesser.


Unspecified item

If your Unspecified Property sum insured is N$ 10 000, and the limit per item in the LIMIT SECTION is, for example, 25%, Hollard will pay out maximum N$ 2 500 per item. This total pay-out will never exceed the sum insured stated in the SCHEDULE.

Specified item

If you have lost a ring that costs N$ 20 000 to replace, and it is insured for N$ 20 000, Hollard will pay you the full amount. If the ring is specified for only N$ 16 000, you will receive only N$ 16 000.

Accessories inside caravans and trailers

Standard accessories that accompanied the caravan or trailer at the time of buying, including household goods temporarily used for holiday purposes, can be specified and pay-out will be 25% of specified sum insured for any single item, pair or set.


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