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Garden Focus - Feb/Mar '24

Taking care of indoor plants equals self-care

Taking care of indoor plants equals self-care

Where cats and indoor plants are happy, we can be happy too. There is nothing like a healthy plant to create healthy vibes in the home. These tips can help you ensure plant wellness and, indirectly, your wellness.

Light and space
Most plants prefer high indirect light. Dark houses are a major challenge to even large foliaged plants that are supposed to be able to grow in low light areas.

Complement your décor
Indoor plants are mostly an addition to indoor décor, and thus your container should not only complement the plant, but also your interior style, colours, lines and architecture. Today there is a wide variety of very stylish plastic pots. Glazed ceramic pots are certainly your most expensive choice, but also the most complementary.

Use the best potting soil mix available
Most gardening outlets keep premixed potting mixes that can be used directly, without the need of adding anything else, unless you prefer to. Any good indoor potting soil mix should have one important quality: good water retention with good drainage.

The best way is to water once a week, unless the pot is small and needs more frequent watering. Feel with your finger – if the first top 3 to 5 cm are completely dry, then water again. Should there still be water in the drip tray after about 15 minutes, empty it out. Mostly, indoor plants die due to over-watering. Underwatering is also a fatal cause of many plants not making it. Find your balance.

Fertilize with caution, rather go for a liquid fertilizer, preferably organic, that will not damage the root system. Never fertilize on dry soil, water first as per normal, and then give your fertilizer. Once every two weeks should be sufficient.

The worst pests you might get indoors, are scale insects, mealy bugs, and fungus. Systemic treatment can be done as a precautionary measure, and fungus can be treated on identification. Healthy plants are normally less susceptible to pests and diseases.

Transplant at least every second or third year into bigger containers, at least one third bigger. Regularly replace one quarter of the topsoil where salts and minerals from frequent watering accumulate as a white deposit that may become toxic to the plant.

Make your choice
Consider these indoor plants, the first known for their beautiful foliage and the last list for their joy-inspiring flowers:

  • Aglaonem
  • Areca
  • Calathea
  • Chamaedorea elegans
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Dracaena
  • Ferns
  • Ficus benjamina
  • Ficus lyrata
  • Kentia
  • Monstera deliciosa
  • Peperomia
  • Philodendron
  • Anthurium
  • Cymbidium
  • Phalaenopsis Poinsettia
  • Saintpaulia
  • Spathyphyllum

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