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Time to Renovate Dec/Jan '25

Taking responsibility for life in general and property in particular

Taking responsibility for life in general and property in particular

Two Latin words come to mind: onus and curo. And together they declare that the duty is on us to care, to tend, to look after. In HouseFinder terms, this points to taking care of one’s property.

Part of Adulting 101 is caretaking. Stepping into responsible shoes. It happens organically as we step through life’s phases – as children, we take care of our pets, our rooms, our school uniforms, our sport kits. These are vital stepping stones that (should) have been brought home to children by their parents and teachers. (Yes! Teach them to be little helpers and take care of the stuff around them. That includes not littering and being kind to animals, plants and people!)

Come adolescence, come angst. But existential angst is small fry in comparison to the levels of responsibility expected of citizens. It’s never-ending: Do the laundry. Water the plants. Feed the faces. Fix the toilet. Beware of blocking drains because you were too lazy to scrape the plates clean before washing the dishes. Remember which day the rubbish collectors come around and have your refuse sorted into glass, tins, plastics and paper. Don’t allow food to spoil or become science projects. (Someone coined a new word for food that has been in the fridge so long it is worthy of scientific investigation: must-go’s!)

Yet those are the daily worries. The longer-term ones are those requiring maintenance and renovation. Like checking the wood in dark corners of your home for termites. They are the world’s most industrious and focused species – ready to take over that which we have neglected.

Neglected: Ay, there’s the rub, said William Shakespeare. Look around some suburbs and you will see neglect with a capital N. Adulting 101 means keeping an eye open for any deterioration, and a finger on the pulse of what needs to be done. Things To Do lists have a way of growing longer and are best sorted into manageable chunks: URGENT, SEMI-URGENT and WITHIN THE YEAR.

Alongside each chunk, record the time and money needed to do the job. Paving the driveway needs considerable resources, as does the 5-year paint job. Maintaining or renovating your rental or your own home comes at a cost.

Welcome to Adulting 101 (oh, have I said that before?). Maintenance can be disheartening, especially if avoided for too long.

So buckle down and plan on paper, then move into action and start activating your Things To Do list.

And lastly... don’t forget to tithe and to save!

Christine Stoman


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