This is primarily a cattle farm but offers a few chalets where guests and tourists can relax. It consists of 3 properties and covers approximately 15 052 ha in total. The property is located just to the south of the Dordabis settlement. It is well-developed and subdivided into 89 stockproof camps with 24 drinking posts. Apart from the 3-bedroom thatched roof residence with a cool room and walk-in safe, the farmstead includes 2 x manager houses, a 4-bedroom guesthouse, lapa, and a chapel accommodating 50 people. There are also nine well built and well equipped worker houses. Other infrastructures include a 1000m gravel runway and hanger for small aircraft, a 2 750 ha game camp, a 6 ha center pivot irrigation system, a 2 ha lemon orchard of 800 trees in full production and 100 ha cleared of bush for grass production. A 1000 square meter barn houses the storerooms, workshop, garages and a meat processing area with cold and freezer rooms. Camp sites and a lodge with 3 chalets can be find in the game camp where a range of indigenous game species of Namibia, including zebra, giraffe, oryx, etc, are roaming freely . The landscape is interesting with mountains, valleys, river and rivulets transversing the property from north to south. Blinkaar-grass is the dominant grass species and acacia species such as swarthaak and camelthorn trees dominates the woody compound of the vegetation. Climate is moderate to hot in summer times and average rainfall is approximately 320 mm per annum. Electricity is supplied by the national grid.
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